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Sensura Mio Light Convex Drainable Pouch, Maxi, Pre-Cut

Sensura Mio Light Convex Drainable Pouch, Maxi, Pre-Cut

Regular price $138.18 CAD
Regular price Sale price $138.18 CAD
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SKU: COL 16730
  • BOX OF: 10
  • GENDER: Unisex

SenSura® Mio Convex is a new drainable pouch with an adaptive convex baseplate that provides stability around the stoma while being flexible. The elastic adhesive fits your body and the pouch stays discreet.

The Light convex is for stomas with openings in level with the skin that need gentle help to protrude, or for slightly deep-seated areas where a light curve is needed to get a good grip.

Key benefits

  • Unlike other ostomy products, SenSura Mio Convex is made of a material that we otherwise wear on the body, i.e. textile material. It is soft and comfortable against the skin, it provides low friction against clothes and it does not feel wet after taking a shower. In addition, the textile material makes the ostomy pouch look more like a piece of clothing than a medical device
  • The colour of SenSura Mio Convex is chosen among hundreds of colours to find exactly the colour that optimizes discretion under all clothing colours – even white.
  • SenSura Mio Convex does not try to imitate the body. It is an honest product, a personal accessory that optimizes discretion so you can feel confident.

Coloplast Product Codes
Stoma Size Pouch Size Colour Product Code
21 mm Maxi Opaque 16730
38 mm Maxi Opaque 16735

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