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  5. Assura Soft Front Classic Drainable Pouch

Assura Soft Front Classic Drainable Pouch

Product Type:Ostomy
Info:Two Piece
Without Filter
Item No.Coupling SizePouch SizePouch ColourUnitsPrice
COL 1392440mmMiniOpaque10$64.26
COL 1392550mmMiniOpaque10$64.26
COL 1396440mmMidiGraphic10$55.25
COL 1396550mmMidiGraphic10$55.25
COL 1396660mmMidiGraphic10$55.25
COL 1449440mmMaxiOpaque10$55.25
COL 1449860mmMaxiOpaque10$55.25
From $54.18
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Item No.Coupling SizePouch SizePouch ColourUnitsPrice
COL 1392440mmMiniOpaque10$64.26
COL 1392550mmMiniOpaque10$64.26
COL 1396440mmMidiGraphic10$55.25
COL 1396550mmMidiGraphic10$55.25
COL 1396660mmMidiGraphic10$55.25
COL 1449440mmMaxiOpaque10$55.25
COL 1449860mmMaxiOpaque10$55.25
From $54.18
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Assura® 2-piece drainable pouch is a mechanical coupling with extra reassurance

  • The pouch is fixed securely to the baseplate with a mechanical coupling system. An audible ‘click’ confirms the secure locking of the pouch to the baseplate.
  • Before the pouch is locked into position, it can be rotated into the desired position, without having to remove the pouch from the baseplate.
  • The pouch can be removed from the spiral adhesive baseplate, allowing the pouch to be changed more often than the adhesive baseplate.

Assura® 2-piece drainable is available with a flat or convex standard wear and extended wear baseplate. The broad assortment consists of a range of baseplates with pre-cut or cut-to-fit sizes that can be customized, and with pouches in a variety of sizes available in transparent or opaque.

Spiral adhesive, for security and skin-friendliness

The Assura® spiral adhesive is a combination of materials designed for security and protection in a spiral-structure, for:
  • Secure adherence to your skin
  • Absorption of moisture from your skin - providing skin-friendliness and protection from irritation

Assura® [Extra] adhesive offers extra protection against aggressive output. It is suitable for people with an ileostomy or urostomy that have a more aggressive output that breaks down standard adhesives too quickly.

A comfortable and discreet pouch

Assura® 2-piece drainable has a range of features designed to offer comfort and discretion:
  • Hide-away outlet - the outlet is easy to empty and clean, and has an integrated Velcro® closure that can be easily tucked away – without the need for a closure clamp.
  • Efficient filter - the integrated three-layer filter avoids the risk of the pouch ballooning up and causing unnecessary bulges, and neutralizes odour.
  • Soft backing fabric - strong and water repellent, allowing for easy drying after a wash or swim.
Coloplast Product Codes
Coupling Size Pouch Size Pouch Colour Product Code
40mm Mini Opaque 13924
50mm Mini Opaque 13925
40mm Midi Graphic 13964
50mm Midi Graphic 13965
60mm Midi Graphic 13966
40mm Maxi Opaque 14494
60mm Maxi Opaque 14498


"Very impressed with this company - great product and prices and stellar customer service! If a concern should arise, be assured it will be taken care of promptly and thoughtfully. Thank you Mike, Katie, and all.
" Sue from Port Perry
"Hey Mike,
They just arrived! Will try for sizing and let you know.
Awesome service and speed.
Many thanks," Chris from St. Johns
"I just wanted to express a genuine thank you to your SCI team for the ease with which you processed, shipped and delivered my order. I ordered before 3:00pm and it was delivered at 9:00AM the very next day! Fantastic!

" Sid from Nepean